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“The secret is to make the implicit explicit.” Krishnamurti

Have you always felt the Sacred in everything?

And do you sometimes completely loose track of it?

Do you know in your heart that every moment is an opportunity to be present?

And does the every-day grind of life seem disconnected and boring at times?


We don't have to sit on a mountaintop to enjoy the Sacred.

We are designed to connect to Source wherever we are, while cooking, cleaning and loving on our kids, right? Even when we have to drop them off at school at 7 in the morning!

But how do we simultaneously stand firmly in life with all its overwhelming distractions and mundane boring moments and feel the deep satisfying connection to source?

This is the guiding question on the Householder Path.


In my Tantric coaching, which includes elements of Tantric teaching when desired, I use ancient philosophies and adjust them to our modern dilemmas.

I use the 7 principles of Tantra as taught to me by Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati, my teacher of the Himalayan traditions. These principles can become a guide and inspiration on your deeper journey into the Sacred, embracing the Mundane. Through listening, mindfulness practices, deep awareness, one pointed presence, conscious embodiment, the gift of breath and a healthy dose of humor, you build practices that allow you to stay present through all of life's griefs, joys and celebrations.


The householder path is ideal for those of us who are living a busy life, and who desire that deeper connection to the divine through everyday practices and everyday magic.














The Householder Path Podcast

~Your transformation is contagious to others~

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