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 Tantric Life Coaching


What does your most authentic self expression feel like?


~The Aim of Tantra is the safe and guided uncoiling of Kundalini (primordial life force) into your fullest expression and bliss state, by inner marriage of Shakti and Shiva (balance between your raw Power of Creation and your Divine Discernment) through constant experimentation & play, in order to dissolve & heal the samskaras (blockages-traumas) in your system, along the chakras ~ Mana


I'm curious to find the ways YOU want to strengthen your connection to Self and Source.

I offer coaching and Tantra teaching support, balancing the extraordinairy with the mundane. 


I offer personalized coaching support for any issues or hardships arising on the embodied spiritual path.

I also offer classes to support the deeper understanding of Tantric principles and philosophies. 


Modalities & Methods


I use the 7 Topics of Tantra as taught to me by Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati, my teacher of the Himalayan traditions.

These 7 topics can become a guide and inspiration on your deeper journey into the Sacred, embracing the Mundane. I use...

  • years of Tantra training with various teachers and Tantric approaches

  • ...Wisdom of the Whole coaching methods to get to the heart of your inquiries, to hold accountability and reflect.

  • ...self- and co-regulating techniques to allow the nervous system to become aware of intensified pranic activity and to allow for resistances to gently dissolve.

  • ...psycho-somatic techniques, such as hypno-journeying and visualization to retrieve messages from your inner Magical realms.

  • ...Prana Vidya (conscious movement and direction of lifeforce) for the purpose of shining light on 'stuck' places.

  • ...touch when needed and desired to bring awareness to the body.

  • life experiences around birth and death, celebration and grief as guides in holding space for your transformation.

  • ....the web of mentors and colleagues who keep me well informed and humble.


I am a student of the shakti-transmission style tantra brought in by Igor Kufayev. 





Example of personal topics to explore in coaching:

  • Disconnect from True Aliveness

  • Daily connection to Grounded Self

  • Stuck patterns/Boredom

  • Courage/Fear

  • Shiva-Shakti balance

  • Meditation support

  • Breaking old habits

  • Erotic Intelligence 

  • Intimacy issues

  • Loneliness

  • Tantric Teachings applied in daily life

  • Mindfulness Practices

  • Breath Awareness

  • Relationship to Abundance

  • Creative Relationship structures 

  • Physical Health

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Body-Mind-Soul Alignment

  • And more


I invite you to listen to all messages from your body (both the pleasurable and the messy ones)


I invite you to use mindfulness practices to gain one pointed presence


I invite you to trust your intuition and deep awareness


I invite you to use conscious embodiment


I invite you to use the gift of breath


I invite you to laugh and embrace a healthy dose of humor


I'm your biggest fan and I will help you build practices that allow you to stay present through all of daily life's griefs, joys and celebrations


We start every session grounding into breath.

I center the somatic experience.

I am poly-friendly and trauma informed.

I require a minimum of 3 sessions, this work takes time.

Intro session free, 30 minutes.

Sessions are usually 1.5 hours.

Sliding scale 125~200,- per session.

I always have 2 clients for trade options, ask for more info






7 Topics of Dancing Shiva Tantra​

Everything is an Experiment

As Within, So Without

Tapas and Spanda

Multiple Realities

Inner Marriage

Ascending and Descending energies

The Healing Power of Pleasure


In person Coaching

at Dancing Shiva Tantra Monastery






zoom sessions

Book a FREE 

Coaching Session here 


Or submit inquiry below if you have questions

What others say about me.


"Mana is such a wonderful teacher, truly the teacher that so many are looking for. She embodies the divine masculine and divine feminine and is a beautiful, mystical, playful being who brings joy and light into all of her work. And, she'll call you on your shit in a loving way when it's needed. Mana is in it for the betterment of each of us and for the betterment of the world at a whole. Never have I been in a group where the leader had less ego before- it showed, was powerful, and helped the work to deepen."

Student of Intro to Tantra, Everything is an Experiment, spring 2024


"I see you embody your teachings. It inspires me. The way you are grounded helps me drop in so fully. The way you are attuned to the mystery and magic of life, of energy, of the unseen. Your wisdom weaving both. Your ability to be present and how you hold a container feels like it has allowed me to go deeper into my own journey of being in this human form that longs for more expansiveness and connection."

Student of Intro to Tantra, Everything is an Experiment, spring 2024


"Hi Mana, thank you for your deep, caring, and non hierarchical support and wisdom!  I'm so impressed by your mixture of humility and confidence that flows through you gracefully."

Private coaching client 2024





"You are always just one breath away from the Sacred"
Mana V McLeod

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